Mohner’s Legacy for Halcyon (“Julie”) was awarded Best Junior and Best in Sweepstakes at the Potomac Valley Standard Schnauzer Club Specialty Show October 2, 2011. In the regular classes that followed Sweepstakes, Julie was chosen Winner’s Bitch and Best of Winners for a four point major from a very large entry. This was Julie’s first show and she made quite a hit with both judges, Sweepstakes Judge Richard William Powell and Regular Classes Judge Donavon Thompson. Judge Powell provided some written remarks on the Sweepstakes: “The PVSSC Sweepstakes was a marvelous entry. The Juniors were very well behaved and handled the ring activity well. Quality was very high and most were in excellent condition and coat. The four winners were excellent examples of the breed, but I was particularly happy with the winner (Julie). She is excellent breed type, a beautiful mover and in great condition. I would take her home!”